If Lynn does the ad layout:
Original photos are needed for best quality reproduction. Photos will be returned to you at the national or mailed later but you must include an SAS envelope for return. A rough outline of text is fine in your email or clearly written or typed on paper. If you send photos by EMAIL please make sure you scanned the whole photo at 300 dpi. Do not use photos from the web. Please do not crop around the dog yourself. She will do that if you request it. Save photo as a JPG file. Please do not embed graphics in a WORD file - send photo as a separate file and your text as a separate file. She will email your ad back to you for your approval.
If you do the ad layout:
"Camera ready" ads must fit in a space that is 4.5 x 7.5 inches or the equivalent proportion. Do not send an ad fitted on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet - those proportions are not suitable. Please save your ad as a HIGH QUALITY JPG, PDF or TIFF appropriate for PRINTING. PLEASE PROOF READ your ad - I cannot make corrections.
Contact Lynn Jech, Catalog Ad Chairman at:
Cell phone: 623-203-8619 or jech.saints@juno.com
Make checks payable to 2015 SBCA National Specialty or if you would like to pay by credit card, please contact the SBCA Treasurer, Linda Baker at elba1@aol.com or 609-213-7667

Catalog Ads:
Lynn Jech